I finally got back in the studio today, and let me say I'm feeling rusty with the old paint brush.
Here's a couple of paintings I did today while I thought about.....wait for it....

Nancy Sinatra and the UV Pantsuit.
I've put myself on a diet of strictly Nancy Sinatra, nothing else shall pass these ears.
I like the idea of designing UV Pantsuits and cool UV clothes... the ultimate in Lady's protection.
They must however, pass one vital test from the get-go...
COULD NANCY ROCK IT? If not.... it's back to the drawing board for this gal!
Here's another taste of Nancy.....
Love her! I'm thinking Hillary should do something fun about now like make a music video or have her own T.V. show.
All this endless war and diplomacy stuff... hardly any fun at all!
Does anyone agree with me here?