Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A cautionary tale: Don't vote for Geezer and the Dingbat!


Tour Wonk said...


Anonymous said...

I tink we have a problem....Should never have told Louise plan to drive bus in to Pepsi Center,Denver.....I just find a Amtrak time table....mmmmmmmmmmmmm

Paintress Gretchen said...

Keep her under lock and key. We are now down only 2 points in AZ, don't let Lousis F***K this one up!

Anonymous said...

She still in Wilke-Barre,Pa. AC/DC Tour started last night there........We safe for da moment I tink.

Anonymous said...

As far as Hillary sites go, I think I much prefer HillBuzz
Hillary supporters KNOW Obama's dark side, his paper-thin resume, his creepy associates, etc etc etc.
HillBuzz continues to educate the public about this horribly flawed candidate.
The authors of this site seem to have forgotten the truth of the man and prefer to drink the Kool-Aid
How does Obama's butt taste? I bet it tastes like RAINBOWS!!!!