Thursday, October 30, 2008

Hillary Clinton Island, The book

Hey everybody, Charlene and I just published "Hillary Clinton Island", the book. It costs me 10 bucks a book to make. I ordered 20 books. We got a special deal, and the price is going up substancially on November 5th if I need to order more. One of these books is going to Hillary, of-course.
Check out this link and let me know if you want one. If enough people do, I'll order more before the 5th.

Hillary Clinton Island

Also, we are already beginning plans for next years party. Start saving your money because we are going to the real, physical Hillary Clinton Island this time, not just the one in our minds!

Sarah Ferguson, I owe you one. Actually, I owe you alot more than that, but I hope one will work for now!


Unknown said...

you don't me nothin! when do i get mine?

Anonymous said...

Hello Miss Baer, Well we were able to stop Louise Monkey and her evil plan to steal the election.That is our job here at the GOP not that psycho monkeys.She has now been deported to Mexico and is in a Naco jail.But we still have an Red Alert APB for a Miss Chew-Mee Moore.Do you know her or her whereabouts? If you see or hear from her call us ASAP.Thank You,INS Officer Franks

Unknown said...

sorry, brunken dlogging again. missing "owe" above.

Anonymous said...

I tink I need to check dis crap out!!!Time to move to HC Island...asap THE END IS NEAR!!

Tour Wonk said...

nuttin' but pics... my kind of book!

Anonymous said...

I want one!!!!!!! You must show me how to make one-----maybe I could make one of my table------or your adventures in Hillary land---i only have a million Jackie-O

Paintress Gretchen said...

Go to
Charlene did the work for this one, but it looks pretty simple.

Anonymous said...

You know we must have one too...