Sunday, October 26, 2008

Hillary Clinton Island... A dream come true

We all had an amazing day on Hillary Clinton Island. It was totally dreamy.
I hated to have to leave. I'm tired now, but here's a few shots I took from the Island. I'll have more coming soon.
Have Hillary dreams everyone!


Anonymous said...

Too bad I miss,but my brain felt like fried eel yesterday.Now dat party over BACK TO WORK!! 1 WEEK TO STOP THE GOP!

Tour Wonk said...

well done GB... very well done.

bisbohemian said...

Awwww.... and we were in Agua Prieta all day yesterday....

although it seems that the participants were... enjoying themselves! Marnie (sp) looks...ummm... well.. like she was having a good time...

Gretchen the Gladiator! I can see a new line of children's toys.... toys.....

Paintress Gretchen said...

I liked how you can swim everywhere on H.C.I., even on dry land. Marnie did have a blast. She was the only one to repeatedly high-dive into the pool.
I didn't get any shots as I think I was sari dancing at the time.

Anonymous said...

You are the golden godess!!! So much fun!!!

Paintress Gretchen said...

I'm just a servant for the real Golden Goddess.
Is that choirs of angels I hear singing?