So Michelle dropped by Roka tonight, high as a kite on who knows what, to bum a few bucks and polish off other peoples drinks. It wasn't long before she was doing the splits on the bar!
I'm kind of dreading bringing her to the party tomorrow! I'm afraid she just doesn't know when enough is enough!
More funny stuff! WOW! Got more money for you tonight on the trip to meet Nancy Pelosi. Her daughter was there - she lives in Phoenix - and her name is also Nancy!
Great time! Fred Duval intro'd the Governor, who intro'd Gabby who intro'd Nancy Pelosi. She is one cool gal - soft spoken and friendly, her daughter is friendly also. Gabby was so happy to see us Tucson supporters there. She doesn't know a lot of people in Phx yet so our friendly faces were very welcome in the VIP reception. We took pictures of us with both Nancy and Gabby and then a professional photog took our pictures with Nancy and Gabby. What fun! Wine and hors deuvres passed around. We told one of the servers we were starving because we left tucson without supper. So he had another server bring another plate of food right to us!
See you tomorrow.
That sounds like it was a fabulous day! I can't wait to see the pics!
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