I met Anna at HC Headquarters in El Paso the first day we went there. She really liked my bumpersticker coat and asked me if I wouldn't mind if she made one for the Bill Clinton rally that evening. Of-course I was flattered! However, for the record, I stole the idea from someone else ( it's on an earlier blog!). Anna looked fantastic that night at the Bill Clinton rally! The next night we met Anna and her sister Terry again after WE WON TEXAS!... and those girls proceeds to party us all over El Paso! We ended up eating delicious Mexican food at 3 AM! I'm hoping Anna has started on her own Hillcar by now... this girl is a mover and a shaker!
What? You didn't bring her back with you???
We are defintetly keeping in touch! I am hoping she gets buzy on making her own Hillcar!
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