The weather is nice again! I want to play again! Hmmm... Here's you choices of what yours truly shall grace the tennis courts with!
I call this... " I LOVE '70's T.V.!"
I. "Remembering Rhoda"
2. "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!"
3. "Shirley Partridge hits the courts"
P.S. I'm adding a 4th....
4. Hillary Spice!
hmmm what great choices.... hard for me to choose between 1 and 3... in honor of Hillary .... i am going to go with 3. "Shirley Partridge hits the courts"
Is it just me ... or does the coach use a bigger racket?
The coach uses the mega racket! The thing is HUGE!
O.K., one vote for Shirley, that's almost like being Hillary! Maybe I should just cut to the chase, and offer a 4th choice... Hillary Clinton!
I only have one choice - HILLARY SPICE!
O.K., Judy... the next time I play with Wendy..." Hillary Spice" it is! I can't wait! Boy, I'm wondering if there is any point of doing anything anymore if it's not photographed and blogged? I don't think so!
Now appearing on court number 1....Hillary Spice! now where can you find gigantor racket?
Instructor Wendy doesn't allow anyone to have a bigger racket than her!s Luckily "Hillary Spice" has a bigger head than Wendy does...so take that Wendy!
Make it Hillary, or I'm not playin'!!!!
I of course will be in my usual trashy tshirt and shorts... boooring!
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