The other from Shelley, 9 pairs ( a limited edition) of these cool Hill earrrings! Get them now, or forever wish you had! 30 bucks if I need to mail them to you, less if I see you on the street!
The latest up-date! Shelley says she only wants 20.00 for the earrrings, she wants to get them out there! So it's 20 bucks if I see you on the street, and another 5 bucks if I mail them!

so i am sitting here watching Ellen.... i guess i missed that Hillary was on... i turn it on and see that Obama attempt to dance... then Jim Cramer comes on...he is the crazy man on MAD Money MBC...yadda yadda yadda with Ellen ...then Ellen asks...who do you think would be best for the Economy.... He says ... hands down Hillary Clinton. Ellen says really he says absolutely no ? about it.... She said is this a personal thing.... he said no it is an obvious thing .... housing is the main issue here and she has the solution....he went on futher and all i could think was PLEASE LET ALL OF TEXAS AND OHIO BE WATCHING!
Hillary is definitely doing better in Texas this week. After Gretchen arrives with THE HILLARY CAR Hillary's sure to win!
Send me some earrings - your choice. I'll mail you a check for $25.00. Good collector's item.
Have un in Texas. You'll win this for Hillary!
Yes, half the country is yelling for Hillary, but she just doesn't get fair press. Again, it comes down to the fact she's a woman. All those prejudices out in the open! I think she will take Texas and Ohio! Gotta make my bumpersticker pants today!
Judy, I'll send you a pair of earrings, they are really cool!
Yea for Jim Kramer!
Hey GB, I can't wait to see that outfit together! I'd like to photograph you with your car before you set off, wearing the whole outfit!
Break out the Hill Suit!!!!
Me, too! Want to see that new outfit! And the car surrounded by El Pasoans! Is that a word? I think Hillary will take Texas and Ohio both!
Gretchen, your car sparkles like a jewel on the Gulch! I took Eileen to see it yesterday (her first outing in 4 months) we played SCRABBLE later and she won!
I am having to pack all the makings of the "hillpants" in the car and work on them in our hotel room. I was having trouble getting the bumperstickers to stick on the vinyl pants! I'm packing a glue gun to nail those baby's down! When they are done, I'll take photos for sure!
Thank u :-) check out that emo boy hair at this blog:
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