Friday, November 14, 2008

Kids of the H.C.A.


Alessandro Machi said...

I guess we will have to dub this site, the Guilty Pleasure of PUMAland, except you wanted Barack Obama once Hillary was out of the picture.

You are a conundrum.


Louise Monkai said...

I'd rather be dead than a PUMA who voted Red...

Tour Wonk said...

thanks for sticking my ever-absent ass in there. I figure my commenting on the blog here keeps me enrolled in the H.C.A.for now till I can get back and participate!

Paintress Gretchen said...

The guilty pleasure of Pumaland... I love it!
Hey, besides the fact that Obama and Hillary's political ideals are about the same, Hillary WANTED us to vote for Obama, and worked very hard to make this happen.
If she didn't really mean it, and was just doing all of that because she had to, she wouldn't be someone I would respect in the first place.
Perhaps the main thing I really like about Hillary is her ability to see the bigger picture on global issues, and work towards that greater goal. I'm sure we both have that in common.

Anyways, Alessandro, it's nice to have you here, I hope this blog continues being a Puma guilty pleasure!

Anonymous said...

Great slideshow! I can almost hear Hillary goig. "Ooowww"