Tuesday, September 22, 2009


How much do you want an International Flag Pantsuit?
I know I do, so it looks like it's up to me to make them.

Imagine how popular you'd be traveling the world in this number. It's clearly a must-have. 
Unfortunately, however, they don't make International flag material, so there's lots of work to do before we sport "The International".

I'd like to wear one to the International House of Pancakes, for starters!


Charlene said...

Yep, you'd take IHOP by storm!

Love the international flag idea!

Paintress Gretchen said...

Well then, perhaps I'll make you one too... once I figure out how!

Charlene said...

Sounds like you may need to silkscreen or otherwise print the flags on a bolt of fabric and then go to town!

I'd love one!

Flying Mermaid said...

Now that right there is the honest to god SHIT! Count me in!

Tour Wonk said...

I wonder how I could make a Hillary Pancake? Then I could open the International House of Hillary Pancakes... then I could institute pantsuit wearing for all employees...

See where I'm going with this???

Paintress Gretchen said...

I see where your going....
Yes, silkscreen, which I don't know how to do, but clearly must learn!