Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A day away from Palin

Like many Americans, I am currently obsessed with Sarah Palin. It's driving me crazy, she's like "Windsong", she stays on my mind. I don't know how much more of this I can take!
So today I decided to take a painter's holiday, and forget about SP for a little while. So off in the Hillcar I went...

I traveled around looking for a nice place to paint. I really tried my best not to think of "you know who".

I looked at flowers

I looked at creepy old cabins,

but it just wasn't working.

I just can't seem to get Sarah Palin off my mind!

If there are others of you out there suffering from this problem, please let me know.
Do you know if they have a SPA (Sarah Palin Anonymous) group yet?


Flying Mermaid said...

I, for one, have not slept a wink since she came on the scene, though unlike you have never experienced a moment of attraction, just pure, unadulterated hatred of the sort that makes me yearn to gouge chunks out of her face.

Is that what you had in mind?

Anonymous said...

Will someone please just shoot me in the head........the end is near!


KCmustang said...

i can't seem to get my ex off my mind perhaps i should start thinking of Sarah Palin!

Pam Lambros said...

When you figure out how to get her off your mind, let us know. There are a bunch of us out there who want to carve her out of our minds.

Tour Wonk said...

the first step is admitting you are powerless...

Paintress Gretchen said...

Tour wonk, can you help guide us through this?
I'm powerless AND clueless!

Anonymous said...

I am powerless...if the Repugs win in November, what will I do? Will I ever be able to say, "I'm proud!"...?