Wednesday, September 3, 2008



Anonymous said...

I wuv da mission impossible ring tone,I have da same ting on my phone.But now I have code name for new mission from A.louise..."Operation Stop Grandpa Chipmunk & Anita Bryant 2000"

porco rosso said...

Dear Hillary Clinton Army,
When it was the hill car and creativity, I admired your efforts. We even donated twice to the cause. I'm disappointed with the turn you've taken - if you want to address the issues, great, maybe even take a pot-shot at McCain. But this defamation of character in regards to Palin is just plain mysogyny.
Welcome to the boys' game, which of course, as Simone de Beauvoir taught us, women can play just as well. Unfortunately.

Anonymous said...

Sad but very true,porco rosso!

Anonymous said...

Oh, give me a break!

Paintress Gretchen said...

I'll take that, Porco Rosso. I am guilty of relentlessly making fun of Sarah Palin. I am afraid for America that we could have someone as our VP who will push through laws that I am so adamantly against, and who will take away laws that I whole-heartedly believe in.
I feel that we are in crucial times, this is not a test but the real thing. I believe we have come down to a life or death choice for our country, and possibly our planet. That may sound dramatic, but I think if McCain becomes our President, we may have made such a colossal mistake that the we may never be able to recover from it.
I can assure you my dislike of this woman has nothing to do with her being a woman. It has to do with her gun-toting, anti-choice, animal killing values. I really wouldn't mind her at all if I didn't think she may have the opportunity to impose these values on me and on our country.
I feel it is a time to speak up and ban together. Thank you for contributing to the H.C.A. Although t our candidate didn't win, I assure that I'm still willing to work hard to see the things Hillary believes in come to fruition.

Anonymous said...

You underestimate the MILLIONS of moderate democrats and Hillary voters who are disgusted with their own party, and repulsed by the smear campaign against the Palin family. As a Hillary voter, I can tell you that EVERYONE I have spoken to is angry at the democrats and EXCITED about Sarah Palin. Women in the heartland of America, who feel a kinship with Sarah, will NOT allow these vicious hatemongers and their media parrots to destroy a good woman for simply trying to live the American dream. It will be a landslide for McCain/Palin!!!

Anonymous said...

Then it will be a mudslide for the free world....

Anonymous said...

I am right with you Gretchen! This is not about S.P. and her gross personal habits, as much as it is about the facts that she carrys with her such narrow, primitive, and fightning values. All women of this country should be very afraid if she and McCain gain office. Do you know that S.P. does not even have a passport! Don't you think the person who is the V.P. should be a little more traveled then that? Hell, I went to Naco last week , I have 5 kids, I should be V.P.!!! Get real . And ya, it really is disheartning to see a women who has such a taste for killing. I don't find that a quality to look towards for inspiration. And I think it really does say alot about her as a person and as a leader in the 2nd highest office in the land. Guns are for one thing and one thing only, killing. And the idea S.P. takes pleasure from killing is a real problem for me as a voter. And the idea she only sees the teaching of creation as how life started,and the only thing she wants taught in our schools is a problem for me. That she would take a womens right to choose, even in the case of rape away, is a problem for me. That big oil is her love, and the enviorment a non issue for her, is a problem for me.And it should be a problem for everyone. This Repub, ticket is a global wrecking ball. And to say she is unliked by liberal women because she is "strong" is a bunch of crap!!! And holy jumped up jesus, who are all you nutty people who say things like "media parrots out to distroy a good women living the american dream"??? The American dream of What??? No right to choose? The american dream of a world with out polar bears, clean air, clean water and the ability to own a home and have a fare wage? What dream are you talking about? This is not about a women living the american dream. This is about a women taking the ability for all women to live their dreams. We have how many teenage girls having babies in high school? HIGH SCHOOL!!! Is that the american dream? Young, dumb and pregnate??? I mean, I give S.P. a little slack on that one, because kids do stuff you can't control, and my daughters could end up in the same boat...But unlike S.P. daughters, my girls would have access to birth control. One more thing S.P. would like to take away from women. It's not an american dream , it's an american nightmare!

love23 said...

If one of OBAMA's daughters was old enough to be pregnant, out of wedlock, and was, that would 100% end his chances, the Republicans seem to always have this sense of entitlement, we make the rules, but we break our rules too, and this is always OK, oh did we say that last week, uh did you forget WE MAKE THE RULES and BREAK OUR RULES? And one last thing, the Democrats are not smearing SP, the whole news media is, as they should! Her love of killing is horrid. How can anyone responding on this blog lightly look over her many many faults?

Anonymous said...

Ya, KATE!!!

porco rosso said...

Ladies and gents,
Thanks for the responses, and I definitely take your point that everything she stands for is disturbing. Her views on the environment, women's rights etc, are beyond appalling, they're dangerous and we should fight them whole-heartedly. I'll take a real feminist like Bill Clinton any day over this chick and her values, so contrary to Anonymous, i'm not 'excited' about having a woman in office if she stands for bad policies. I was having a problem with the bathing suit shot, et al, and with the fact McCain is hiding behind her and this diversion of personal issues to keep us away from debating the issues in and of themselves.
But point taken Gretchen, I'll bring my sense of humour back with me and keep reading your posts which i love.

Paintress Gretchen said...

This afternoon we've been dreaming up "Bisbee for Obama". A great benefit rock show with "Buzz and the Soul Senders, " "Venus DeMars and all the Pretty Horses", plus others. Doug Stanhope will be our M.C.
We're a small town stepping up to the plate to say we need to change the world. Everyone has to do their part. I never thought I'd say this, but " Yes, we can"... I believe we can do this. Ahhhhh! Alright already!
I don't think I would have gotten here without Sarah Palin. Thanks, Sarah!