Monday, September 1, 2008

Sarah Palin and Babygate

Sarah Palin... at first I thought she was kind of cool and entertaining, now I think she is very creepy but still kind of entertaining.
Sarah's stance on the issues are about as far away from Hillary's as they possibly can be. She's anti-choice, (she's even anti-contraceptive!), she doesn't "believe" in global warming, she fights to keep polar bears off the endangered species list, she doesn't even think women should have equal pay for equal work. Yikes!

I for one do not believe this is Bristol's first pregnancy. I think Sarah is lying about how far along Bristol is. I guess only time will tell.
In the meantime, let's curl up under a baby polar bear rug and watch the show!

Fast forward on this video to around 400, to see our 7 month pregnant (not) Sarah.


Eric Dondero said...

She is simply the greatest elected official in the entire United States. She is a great inspiration to libertarians and other freedom lovers everywhere.

The more the Left attacks her, the more we libertarians will stand by her side.

Amazingly, the Left tried to woo our votes in 2006. This is one of those where there will be no forgiveness. If the Left continues to attack libertarian Republican Sarah Palin, we libertarians will remember this for the rest of our lives, and will NEVER support a Democrat ever again.

Paintress Gretchen said...

As Hillary pointed out, it's the issues that matter here.
If you believe as Sarah does that women shouldn't have a choice, and that global warming does not exist, etc. your all set... vote McCain. If not, looks like you need to vote for Obama. Obviously he is not my first choice, but he does stand up for the issues I believe in. So eventually you will have to decide, are you voting with your emotions, or with your intellect?

Anonymous said...

Hey Eric want some cheese to go to go with that whine?Just like the GOP they sure can dish it out,but they sure can't take it.

Anonymous said...

Eric, you aren't a libertarian and Sarah Palin most definitely AIN"T no Libertarian!

love23 said...

"The greatest elected official in the United States"? Eric you are simply depressing me, this comment more than any I have heard about baby seal killing Sarah.

Doll said...

OMG the rumors and innuendo on this blog! Sarah Ferguson has never killed a baby seal (as far as I know)

p.s. The only important Sarah is filling out a life insurance policy as I write. I am the primary beneficiary... but if something should happen to me, HILLARY CLINTON GETS EVERYTHING!

I am not kidding- I saw the form!

Anonymous said...

So this baby seal walks in to a club...............

Doll said...

What ever happened to the "Life and Times of Chew Mee Moore, an Eel Dancers Story part 1"?

Anonymous said...

Jeane,well it like dis,I am now on to pt.5 of story,wit no end in sight.I tink it a little to twisted for dis blog.Miss GB say she post link to whole story,dat is if I ever finish...

Doll said...

Let's make a blog for you #1 eel dancer! then you can post on your own !

Anonymous said...

What?? Not me, I no go over the head of Big Brass...I promis I finish,if you promis to read...and still like me after..

Paintress Gretchen said...

Chew-mee, you have my blessing. In either case we will have a button from this site.
Sarah Ferguson, stop trying to bribe Hillary into loving you!

Anonymous said...

Is it true Bristol and Jamie Lynn Spears are going on tour together to promote teenage preggers?

Paintress Gretchen said...

I think they are making one of those "made for T.V." movie of the week.

Anonymous said...

It's gonna be called..."Family Values GOP Style"

Anonymous said...

Do we know she's really a woman?
Is the pregnancy due to Karl Rove's demon seed?

This is the level of (misogynist) discourse at yer lil club house here, Kattiness Korner.

Obama/Biden say lay off the candidate's kids. You should do the same.
Elizabeth Edwards

Paintress Gretchen said...

Misogynist? Ah, hello, last I checked we were on the Hillary Clinton Army bog site.
The Hillary Clinton Army worked long and hard to put Hillary on the ticket because we believe in her and what she stands for. We may not have won, but our our belief in Hillary and the issues she has spent her life fighting for, remain strong and passionate.
Sarah Palin stands for the polar opposite, (insert photo her of her blowing one away.) Women's rights, pro-choice freedom, protecting the environment, protecting endangered species, solar and wind energy, healthcare for everyone, ending the war... these are a few of the reasons I believe in Hillary and why I will vote for Barrack Obama.
McCain hoped to lure in us Hillary supporters when he made his VP pick, but in actuality he made an excellent case against himself. We weren't fighting for Hillary because she is a woman, but because of her strong passion to fight for the things we believe in, as well as her capability to make these changes happen.
After just this small dose of Sarah Palin, I now feel the urgency to fight with all I've got to see Barrack Obama as our next president. Sarah brings the issues to the glaringly to the forefront. Everything Hillary stands for Sarah is vehemently against. It seems McCain's plan has back-fired. Cool.

leader of the H.C.A.

Anonymous said...

Yeah!!! You tell it like it is Big Brass!!!

Anonymous said...

God bless you, Gretchen for staying true! I appreciate all the work you've done even though I was an Obama supporter early on. We've been on the same team and maybe you can see that in the same way I have always seen it.

Paintress Gretchen said...

Now that Hillary is no longer in the race, it becomes totally about the issues. Thank goodness we now have nut-job SP doing a lot of the work for us towards getting Obama in the White House! Thanks Sarah!