Thursday, August 14, 2008

Hallelujah! Hillary's name will be on the nomination!

...and all hell is breaking loose in Bisbee!

It seems the cheers from the Hilary Clinton Army unleashed a massive flash flood on Bisbee. I took a few photos while I still could of Brewery Gulch, the street where I live. These cars are now mostly under water!

The Hillcar, like her name-sake, remains on higher ground!


Anonymous said...

Yikes! How did you make it to work??

love23 said...

WOW I can't believe that happens so quickly! So glad that you are keeping your cars off the street these days, I hope that cute little red sports car didn't get ruined. Can't wait to see the OBAMA GIRL photos!

Jackie-o! said...

Hi What happened when the water rose? Kara is here and helping me sink Anonymous forever-----Jackie-o

Paintress Gretchen said...

The rain comes, the rain goes, more or less.