Hello Gretchen,
You have really done a great thing with this blog and I’m thrilled it’s back in action. And I love the idea of being nominated for your bloggie award. But I really think it’s you that deserves the award. You have created this special site. I bet if we took a vote most would choose you. Now what does the bloggie award consist of anyway? Does the winner get a mini painting in plaque format done by you? That would be outstanding.
As for us Hillary supporters, it’s clear that we are 100% loyal to our candidate over the party. That is how it is with me and I’m imagining that’s how you feel too after reading some of your comments. And when I talk to other Hillary supporters the question always comes up “Do you think that the Hillary voters will back Obama?” Frankly I’m tired of that question. The only thing we need to be focusing our thoughts on now is having Hillary as the Vice President. That way their will be no question on backing Obama. Then our Mother Eagle will be that much closer to helping our country. Our thoughts are power lets make the count.
The Handy Goddess
Travels With The Hillcar!
8 years ago
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