THAT IS SUCH A GREAT POP UP HILLARY! I love the work that Shawnee does, he amazes me! Go Gretchen, do you still need a ride to the airport on Monday? If you do, I could give Hunter a ride too, just checking? Let me know what flight you decided on! GO HILL CAR, GO HILL CAR! I am so PROUD of you! By the way, I am working on making a camou sash to wear with all my pins, wherever the wind blows me. I am definately driving the Bisbeee Van to Denver, during the convention and staying with DANDO. We myspaced on that! I am pschyed to be in the same town! Or outside with the masses in my art car for Hillary Support!
Shawnee is absolutely a genius - how did he make those popups? I want to learn. He and Gretchen are such a great team together. I'm going to Denver also as a guest at the convention. With Elly Anderson who is a delegate. So we'll all be there together. Of course, Gretchen HAS to go.
Shawnee is brilliant at computer stuff! I think it's a fairly complecated process, but Judy, I'll tell Shawnee to contact you! I think I will have to go to the convention too!
The Hillary Clinton Army has been disbanded until further notice. If and when our services are needed again... we will fire this blog back up, put on our Polyester Pantsuits, and kick some ass!
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Gretchen Baer
Journey to Hillaryland
Oil on canvas/4' by 6'/ 700.00 plus shippng
Baby Hillary
30" by 40" oil on canvas. 300.00 plus shipping.
Blue Hillary
30" by 40" oil on canvas. 300.00 plus shipping.
Buy some Pantsuit Art!
All paintings below are 50.00 each, plus shipping.
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Envoy with raspberry pie
Envoys on moat
Gretchen talks with Envoys
Pantsuit Art
All paintings below are for sale for 50.00 each, plus shipping.
They are all 6" by 6", painted in oil on a 100 year old tin ceiling tile.
All proceeds help the Art Envoys bring more art and color to the world.
THAT IS SUCH A GREAT POP UP HILLARY! I love the work that Shawnee does, he amazes me! Go Gretchen, do you still need a ride to the airport on Monday? If you do, I could give Hunter a ride too, just checking? Let me know what flight you decided on! GO HILL CAR, GO HILL CAR! I am so PROUD of you! By the way, I am working on making a camou sash to wear with all my pins, wherever the wind blows me. I am definately driving the Bisbeee Van to Denver, during the convention and staying with DANDO. We myspaced on that! I am pschyed to be in the same town! Or outside with the masses in my art car for Hillary Support!
I love seeing this all going on, Gretchen! I am beaming!!!!
Shawnee is absolutely a genius - how did he make those popups? I want to learn. He and Gretchen are such a great team together. I'm going to Denver also as a guest at the convention. With Elly Anderson who is a delegate. So we'll all be there together. Of course, Gretchen HAS to go.
Shawnee is brilliant at computer stuff! I think it's a fairly complecated process, but Judy, I'll tell Shawnee to contact you! I think I will have to go to the convention too!
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