Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Hillarys are coming!

Please check out The Hillarys are coming!
This is going to be great!


love23 said...

THAT IS SUCH A GREAT POP UP HILLARY! I love the work that Shawnee does, he amazes me! Go Gretchen, do you still need a ride to the airport on Monday? If you do, I could give Hunter a ride too, just checking? Let me know what flight you decided on! GO HILL CAR, GO HILL CAR! I am so PROUD of you! By the way, I am working on making a camou sash to wear with all my pins, wherever the wind blows me. I am definately driving the Bisbeee Van to Denver, during the convention and staying with DANDO. We myspaced on that! I am pschyed to be in the same town! Or outside with the masses in my art car for Hillary Support!

Tour Wonk said...

I love seeing this all going on, Gretchen! I am beaming!!!!


Judy from Texas in Arizona said...

Shawnee is absolutely a genius - how did he make those popups? I want to learn. He and Gretchen are such a great team together. I'm going to Denver also as a guest at the convention. With Elly Anderson who is a delegate. So we'll all be there together. Of course, Gretchen HAS to go.

Paintress Gretchen said...

Shawnee is brilliant at computer stuff! I think it's a fairly complecated process, but Judy, I'll tell Shawnee to contact you! I think I will have to go to the convention too!