Tuesday, August 26, 2008

18 million voices march

When we arrived at the "18 million voices" march, these sign-toting Hillary girls and I couldn't find even one voice. We finally spotted the Hillary march off in the distance. I took this photo while running down the street to catch up to it.

"18 Million voices"turned out to be around 300 voices. Not bad I suppose considering each person had to make their own way to Denver.

We marched off into nowhere-land. We ended up in some empty complex of buildings. I don't think anyone except ourselves and the media saw the march. Well, more media for us I suppose!

I was happy to see my friend Robyn, an APF photographer who was on the Hillary trail for some months.

Chili, Robyn and I split the scene in a rikshaw to get some lunch. My ears successfully obliterated both Chili and Robyn's face.

Lunch was the best part of the day, so far. We'll be hitting the streets again soon.


KCmustang said...

i am bummed i missed that lunch ...sounds like a good time... nice pics!

Anonymous said...

perhaps you could cop a clue and support barack.

your attitude sucks. not supporting him in every way possible shows that you are all about trying to be a media hog (i thought of a different word which is not nearly that nice) and could give a *(&^ about your country.

eat some humble pie and get your donkey ears back down to earth.

the future of this country is far more important than your pathetic "displays" of false patriotism.

and maybe you could change your clothes, while you're at it.

stylin said...

didn't think Michele Obama had the time to post!

Anonymous said...

NO WAY! NO HOW! NO MCCAINE! DAT RIGHT!I give you free eel dance for the rest of your life Hillary!

Anonymous said...

WOW!! What a speech...I am still teary eyed. Well said, Hillary.

Hillary said...

Thank you, thank you. I did intend for you to cry, to cry for what you could have had. Instead you must now settle on the next best thing. Try to ignore the Hitler Youth surrounding Obama. These people are only in their mid 20’s and have been reared on “The Cosby Show” and not “Mary Hartman”. Consequently they are below average in critical thinking skills and have absolutely no knowledge of the history of dissent in America. This is the reason they confuse not falling in line for their master with lack of patriotism. Also, the men in this group are often jealous of their girlfriend’s vibrators. Elsa conducted that survey. Anyway, GB, you should know the truth. To the people that really matter, you’re the babe!

Hillary said...

ahem...chew-mee, exactly when can you deliver those eel dances? I don't have all night you know.

KCmustang said...

I am a proud supporter of HCA and of Hillary. Great speech. No preacher talk just affection and experience!!!! Loved the video. I just kept thinking of all those people swept away by the "movement" and had they tuned in to Hillary they would have known what we knew...Hillary was the only one.... different story .... different day ... sad but true. I can't cry Uncle today....check in tomorrow... i am still on a hillary high.

Anonymous said...

I'll be at de Denver Hilton room 169 at 11pm sharp.

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm looking to get a little mud on my helmet so I was wondering if PUMAs take it up the ass still or just at the end of primaries?

Paintress Gretchen said...

I don't have the slightest idea, anonymous. Why don't you ask one?