"Hi, I'm Gretchen, the artist that traveled around the country in my Hillary Clinton art car "The Hillcar", in support of your campaign.
On the road I became very aware that you are the muse of so many artists who create Hillary-inspired art.
Have you ever considered curating a national art show of "Hillary" art, either on-line or in a gallery? The sales could help retire your debt!"
I never did receive an answer. I was so frustrated that I spent the afternoon dialing Hillary's staff! I annoyed them so much that they agreed to let Hillary answer our questions if I promised to stop calling!
So here's our big chance... go ahead, ASK HILLARY!

Hillary, I want to give you a painting. Would you accept one? Also, if I'm not chosen for the "Dinner with Hillary, provided-you-make-a-donation" competition, can we still have dinner together sometime? Please.
Uh, no to both. Got it? Good! Now go away and stop creeping me out.
OK, Hillary, so what I really want to know is how are you doing on Weight Watchers? R U doing the core program or the flex program? How many activity points do you rack up for campaigning?
Thank you endhomework. I was so pleased to read your question. I remember when Chelsea was 12 and what a special time it was to help her with her homework. I hope you continue to stay the course with your homework. My healthcare initiative includes resources aimed at providing homework assistance 24/7. I hope this answers your question.
I am Hillary Clinton and I approve of this message.
Why do you really want the position? Beyond women’s issues and health care, you know what this country is about to experience. We are at a very unique place in history. From the impending financial crisis to the massive changes this planet is going through. Why do you want the job? I pick you out of the three candidates not because I think you can solve the problems but because I see you as the one that can lead us through this time in history. – Your answer will be inspirational for me and the paint off :)
Hi everyone, I hope you understand Hillary is a very busy person and will answer your question as soon as she possibly can! She has made answering your questions a priority, so keep it coming! Just keep chanting "WE DEMAND HILLARY!" and she will answer!
Dear handy goddess, thank you for your question. I'm honored to assume this position. I have said repeatedly that I will do whatever Gretchen, leader of the Hillary Clinton Army, asks me to do. The decision to appoint me to answer questions in the “Ask Hillary” portion of her blog was Gretchen’s decision and hers alone and I am going to respect the privacy of that process by not discussing it.
She didn't answer my question? Am I missing something because I don't see how that reply relates to my question?
The Handy Goddess.
Your right, Handy Goddess! Hillary is really being evasive these days!
Thanks so much Hillary for providing your policy on homework, but I really wanted to know some much more personal. Since you and I are the same age and we both have daughters named Chelsea and a cat named Blackie (my Blackie died a peaceful death in Maine, thanks for asking)
Anyway, we can see that we have both struggled to keep our girlish figures and your recent revelation to People magazine that you are on weight watchers really hit me hard. I know for me the stress of working hard is horrible for the ole' figure, and if anyone has been under lots of stress, well, its you! And probably more to come when you have to add consoling Elizabeth to your busy schedule.
So I wanted to know, how much weight have you lost and did you do it on the core program?
Thanks for sharing.
BTW-24 hour homework assistance is like throwing good money after bad.
Dear Hillary,
Do you miss Socks the cat? I miss him.
P.S.endhomework-sorry about Blackie:(
Dear endhomework,
Thank you for your question. I am not on Weight Watchers. What People magazine wanted to know was “SOUTH BEACH DIET OR WEIGHT WATCHERS?” and I replied Weight Watchers. I just don’t like South Beach with all those beautiful topless women, tanned and glistening, and, well, anyway I’m not on Weight Watchers. I’m on the seafood diet. I see food, I eat it. I keep my girly figure with a hectic schedule, hot peppers and sleeping vertically. And this regime seems to work. Here is my progress since January 2008.
Jan 7: 180.5
Feb 7: 177.75
Mar 7: 173.5
April 7: 169
May 7: 167.75
June 7: 165
July 7: 141.5 *reached different goal*
August 7: 159.25
Dear Jeanne, Sox is dead, I think. I haven't talked to Betty Currie in a long time. Thanks for bringing that up.
Ps What are you wearing?
I figured this was my one chance to ask Hillary a question so I decided to make it a good one. I anticipated a heartfelt answer from a leader and I got a reply from a politician. I’m out of the paint off, I’ve lost my inspiration.
pssst- the Hillary Clinton posting on this site is none other than a delusional artist in nyc having a little fun! Nothing posted here is from the Original Mother Eagle- but you didn't hear that from me! Don't tell anyone else:)
Hello Sarah,
Why won't the delusional artist give me a great answer?
Handy Goddess, I am not anonymous and I believe Hillary gave you a great answer. You will notice that she addressed your question directly and with her own words (literally!) cut and pasted from Hillary's site with Gretchen's name in place of Obama's. You will also notice that you did not specify what position your were referring to, which may have confused Hillary, although I assumed it was the position of VP.
Today, just a moment ago, Obama's campaign made the official announcement that Hillary will be speaking on the second night of the convention, not the third night which is when the VP traditionally speaks, confirming what many people, including myself, have thought for a long time. He is not going to pick her. Even though Bill Clinton may be introducing the VP, I suspect it won't be Hillary.
Also Hillary is not going to ask for a roll call vote, rather she and Bill are going to put on a smile and play up all the unity crap at the convention while her supporters are foaming at the mouth but far enough away, out of the sight of the media, and surrounded by barbed wire.
Now you may know something that I don't know. You appear to think she is going to be chosen. Do you have inside information? I know for sure Hillary will not address the VP question directly so I must rely on you. Plus, she thinks I'm creep and won't answer my questions.
It doesn't really matter what position the question relates to? But the President is her ultimate goal.
I paint superheros. I'm about exposing greatness in people. I just wanted something to work with if I paint another portrait.
Dear Hillary,
I'm very upset that they are revamping the "It's a small World after all" ride at Disney Land. This is a piece of United States history that should be forever preserved in it's original 1964 splendor! I've always enjoyed signing along to the cardboard cut-out children in all their different languages. People may call it decrepit, falling apart, and out of date, but I think it's simply adorable!
If you were President, what would be your stance on this endangered "It's a small world after all" classic ride?
Hillary, Please watch the home video Danny made on his super 8 camera. It's so cute and brings back so many memories!
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