Sunday, August 24, 2008

Back on the Hillroad again...

Although I'm only in a Tucson hotel room, it feels like I'm back on the road again for Hillary. I've got a suitcase full of Hillary masks and a head full Hillary dreams. I really don't care what other people think, or what they yell from their cars at me and my Hillcar, I'm still a believer. I get asked every day when I'm going to repaint my car, and the answer is always the same.... never. Hillary rocks the most, always!

I'm looking forward to reconnecting with my Hillary friends who are converging in Denver. John West, Jenny Lou, Suzanne, Judy, and Chili.
Let's kick some ass and have a blast!


KCmustang said...

I agree....Do NOT paint that car how can people even ask???

Watch out Denver here comes the HCA! Do it up good ggirl. John has gotten some good press. Wish i was flyin in the same direction...I am obligated to be on a boat for my mom's know...can't wait to hear how Denver went ... maybe you can tell me more about Fort Collins after you get back.

Paintress Gretchen said...

I'll call you from Denver. G

Anonymous said...

Any Hillary voters jumping ship were not real democrats in the first place, or REALLY unbalanced ones.

The one thing Hillary had that was true was being for women's rights, and Obama has her on that also, being pro choice to a fault. I can't imagine what else they want, more wars? More selling out to China? More deregulation of pharmaceuticals? Billy did all that in his 8 years.

I just don't get those sour grapes people, it's not enough to want her in just because she is a woman. That in itself is not feminism.

On her health care agenda back in the day, she could have been throwing grand mal fits daily & had the media at her beck & call, but she botched it totally and actually sold it out, hence the daily dose of Viagra et al commercials.

She also made HUGE mistake not apologizing for her war vote. People who can't apologize for mistakes are inherent liars, people who always have to be right are delusional egotists. She F**** up hardcore on that.

KCmustang said...

Why is believing that Hillary is the best most qualified person for the job feminism? Ahh gotta love the life of a working woman. What do we call a man running for office ... a candidate. What do we call a woman running for office ... a feminist movement. Only in America!

Go back a little further Anonymous see when Reagan started selling out to China. Before Reagan we supported Taiwan. Then-Secretary of State Alexander Haig was convinced that, "in the last quarter of the twentieth century, China may well be the most important country in the world" in terms of American interests. Go back Historically and read Reagan Economics and then you will know what Billy Inherited and had to clean up.

The people that are following Obama/Biden are the ones that loved Reagan/Bush Sr. I call those swing voters non democrats as well.

BTW Obama was clearly on the side of Durbin who said at the time all Senators did what they thought was in the best interest of the country. Obama was simply a person in the race that could say he was not in the Senate at the time. If you think, he would have done anything different from Dick Durbin or Hillary Clinton you are livin in a dream world.

We are chasing the word Democrat. We need to build America. These will be critical years to forget the past and build and nurture this country. We've been like a dying plant with no water or good soil.

Paintress Gretchen said...

Well said, KC. I'm with you.

Anonymous said...

Everybody really needs to stop fighting and look at the big picture.Do you really want McCaine in the WH?I sure don't! For the Poo is about to hit the fan............

Anonymous said...

It appears my entire post went over KC's head.

Anonymous said...

Yea KC you go girl! With more people thinking like you we will have no problem getting McCaine in the WH. McCaine'08 With PUMA Help!

Anonymous said...

Better learn how to spell his name, inso.

Anonymous said...

But I'm stupid just like all the other GOP's

Anonymous said...

Yep dat for sure!I tink day put e on the end cause it sound like McSame.

KCmustang said...

Oh it is so frustrating to not know who Anonymous is. Anonymous... do you really think that anyone on this HCA blog wants more of the same? Nothing went over my head, especially considering your post was below the belt. Is my post over your head?

Anyway we all know what need to do on election day... expecting us to do cartwheels to the polls is a bit much!

Anonymous said...

Dat right KC!Maybe not doing cartwheels,but we will be drinking lots of Red-Bull Sake Bombers!And Eel Dancing!GB I will b coming to Denver soon.But need to git past INSO first.Pt1 of my story is in our hands post it when you feel da time is right.......

KCmustang said... it!