Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sarah Palin naked

Here she is in one of her early photo shoots. She was still going with the "Ginger Grant" look at the time!


Anonymous said...

actually, there are some real hot pics of sarah palin out there:

Anonymous said...

oops heres the link:

sarah palin naked

Anonymous said...

OK so she would make a sexy eel dancer.And a great NRA poster girl.But a VP?I don't tink so.How con someone be pro-life and pro-gun at the same time?Yes GB back online!

Shirley Partridge said...

My, what pointy heels Sarah has!

Anonymous said...

“If she were a president, she’d be Baberaham Lincoln.”

Anonymous said...

That's Sharon Tate, it seems.

Anonymous said...

That's Sharon Tate. You guys are really grasping at straws.

Anonymous said...

No, we are having fun...vivid imaginations here in Bisbee...

Anonymous said...

"How con someone be pro-life and pro-gun at the same time?"

Usually, they are bitter Hillary Clinton voters from West Virginia who cling to their God and their Guns....

Anonymous said...

But I'm a Obamabot,Buddhist from Cambodia me no even own a slingshot.

Paintress Gretchen said...

It's called "familly values". Save the human fetus regardless of how horrible a life it will have, but sport kill on a weekly basis any other forms of life on earth. Yea!

Anonymous said...

Typical liberal.... Never getting the fact, FIRST!

Best Fishes,
Elephant Man

jbishop19 said...

You just don't like her because she's proven that you can be pregnant, barefoot and tied to a kitchen and still be successful in the man's game.

Thanks for posting crap like this that will guarantee McCain gets elected. Dems are really struggling.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

That is indeed Sharon Tate. From the Roman Polanski film "Fearless Vampire Killers."

Anonymous said...

get out the vote, saw this on dailykos, but get busy with the sarah palin photoshop contest :0

Sarah Palin Naked Photo Contest

Anonymous said...

sarah palin naked

Anonymous said...

You're ALL wrong. It's Ann-Margret. I even spelled her name right! Do you now see how it pays to be literate?

Anonymous said...

LOL...I think its funny that you all think that we think that is Sarha. Don't you people have any imagination?

Anonymous said...

If Hillary were that collected in an ice cold surrounding would she have been nominated? even for VP?

Anonymous said...

ha -- well politics just got a lot dirtier

Paintress Gretchen said...

Nasty! But fun!

Anonymous said...

Friend said naked Palin could be found at levees site

Unknown said...

you people have nothing better to do

Anonymous said...

I don't know what lies you think McCain is telling, but the NY Times is lying to you. Obama will raise taxes on the middle class. He has said he will raise capital gains taxes to 25%. People in the middle class pay capital gains taxes.

He will also raise taxes on businesses. Did you know the US has the 2nd highest business tax rate in the world? If businesses pay more taxes, the cost of their goods and services will go up. Which consumers will end up paying.

So Obama will raise your capital gains taxes and indirect taxes by increases in the cost of products and services.

So where is the lie, when both sides use the generic term "taxes"?

Anonymous said...

While McCain would not be my first choice for president, I would never vote for Obama. His class warfare policies will certainly wreck what's left of our struggling economy. If you think he won't raise taxes on the middle class, such as small business owners, you are foolish. If you work for a small business, what will happen to "your" job if the owner is forced to downsize??? Wake up sheeple!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


OMG guys, everyone should check this one video here, its Sarah Palin shocking nude video footage: ..The Link.. ..nice quality.


Anonymous said...

This web site is very humorous, considering that McCain's politics are nearly identical to Hillary Clinton's. McCain was chosen to be John Kerry's running mate and got snubbed at the last second in favor of John Edwards.

McCain's and Obama's monetary policy is just a nightmare replay of George Bush (both varieties).

Clinton and McCain are both big-government, anti-Liberty, Bilderberg Group pawns. You people are complete Lemmings heading towards the edge of the cliff.

The Democrat party is Neo-Liberal and the Republican Party is Neo-Conservative. The original meanings of Conservative and Liberal have been so distorted, that such terms have become meaningless. The Globalist, Military-Industrialist Complex agend of Hillary Clinton and John McCain is clear to any literate person.

You lot are the types who vote based on sound bytes. If you actually analyze legislation and voting records, you will see that McCain and Hillary are basically twins.

Anonymous said...

This is clearly Ann Margaret.

Stinking liberals never get anything right.

BTW, this financial crisis was caused by Billy-Bob Clinton. Remember back inthe 1990's... (insert Bubba accent here)"Everyone regardless of income should have the opportunity to own their own home."

Anonymous said...

I've just watched Sarah Palins nude video
Sarah Palins nude


Anonymous said...

OMG People...
I found Sarah Palin Nude Video at

Enjoy!!! She pretty sexy!!!

Naked Sarah Palin Pictures said...

Check out these pictures
for more pictures of her naked or

This blog will consist of naked pictures of Sarah Palin, either on dinosaures, cooking, shooting guns, at hockey practice, community college, avoiding the press, or any of the other things she does that quailifies her to be a vice presidential candidate

Anonymous said...

Excuse me...

could we all just SNAP OUT OF IT and recover our brains from all this screaming media mind-vomit?

Could we refrain from declaring Obama "Messiah" until he's actually BEEN IN OFFICE and we actually KNOW WHAT HE'S GOING TO DO???

Could we keep in mind that the Democrahoors and Republisluts are both BOUGHT AND PAID FOR by the New York-London-Geneva multi-trillionaires who REALLY run the world, and whichever "team" gets into office, the game will still be RIGGED, just like it's been all your life?

Nah, didn't think so...

It's not that Americans are too DUMB to figure out this is how their country really works now. No, it's much MUCH worse than that.

It's that they're too selfish, cowardly, corrupt, spoiled, insincere, shallow, and generally hideous to face it. All of them. That's why they're desperately piling onto this election-year hooplah like drowning people, as if it actually means anything. It hands them a way to pretend everything's just fine after all. Is the illusion "true"? Honey, THEY DON'T EVEN CARE!! They think it's rude to even pose the question, and that's the surest sign of all.

Unknown said...

hey guys, you´ll enjoy viewing this, I think. In this web they have gathered a big amount of Sarah Palin hot (and also some funny and fake) photos in several ways and kinds. These are the links:

Cyaaa, i hope you enjoy it xD

Anonymous said...

The saddest part of all this is that it would seem many of you value silly pictures like this over any relevent issue. I wonder... are we electing a presedent of a cheerleading squad?

I wonder what you narrow-minded Neo-Nazis would think if someone posted a picture of Obama dancing in Chip and Dales clothes.

I would think you people would be more apt to endorse someone with hot nude pics on the web than not. After all, these types of pictures are the exact things people like you use daily to nourish you depraved appetites.

Stinking Democrat Hypocrites.

Anonymous said...

I wish Americans had more respect for their forefathers that signed the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The US was founded by these great men who had the greatest of moral values and were God fearing men as well.

They created such a wonderful country for families and dreams and now it is being compromised by greed and total lack of moral judgment. Americans will miss this once it is gone. The Sad thing is the children will have to pay the price as well.

Paintress Gretchen said...

I like the 'holier than thou" types that comment on the disgracefulness of posting "Sarah Palin naked".
I'd ask, what were they doing googling "Sarah Palin naked" to begin with?

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