Friday, August 22, 2008


There's a SH*T STORM brewing and it coming our way! Lock your doors, and get under cover, and whatever you do, don't watch the news! If you must go outside wear protective riot gear as shown below!

August 23rd will be forever known as SH*T STORM SATURDAY! The sh*t is going to hit the fan! You have been warned!



Paintress Gretchen said...

Tick tock, I'm BIDEN my time till S.S. Saturday!

Anonymous said...

Ha! Sure go ahead and hate me,but first you got to find me!........mmmmmmmmmm just what is Chew-Mee up to? I guess you all are going to have to wait to find out the truth! I will give u one hint..."The enemy of my enemy is my friend" (evil laugh)

Paintress Gretchen said...

Let me guess, you are moving in with the Obamas?

Anonymous said...

No for some reason they don't trust me. This is someting beta u will just have to wait..................

Anonymous said...

Glad to see the Hill Car is not out of action yet!!!!!!!!!!You go girl!

Anonymous said...

Put a fork in Shrillary - she's done.

KCmustang said...

Biden my time till 2012

Anonymous said...

Oh No the S.S. has started for sure!Miss Baer you must help me find Chew-Mee A.S.A.P. If you think it's a bad day in Hillaryland we must stop Chew-Mee before posts her letter and brings John McCaine down.Remember a "enemy of my enemy is my friend".So be my friend now and help me find that mutant ladyboy so we can deport her back to Cambodia and help me put McCaine in the WH.And keep America safe! McCaine'08

Paintress Gretchen said...

INSO Franks, I'm stumped. I want to help you, but this riddle is wrapped in question and sprinkled with mystery!

Anonymous said...

Mutant!Dat wat u call me INSO Franks? U noting but a right-wing Bush/McCaine loving closet it queen.U just lik all de other GOP's u hate people like me! But late at night when no one else around u come to see my eel dance!Den in the morning u try to outlaw it! Oh yes! Welcome to S.S.S! Muta@$&#er! I coming for u and that Grampa Chimpmuk McCaine and hell is coming wit meeeee!!!!(very evil laugh)

KCmustang said...

Does it tick anyone off that they sent a 3AM text message.... just another slam from Obama to Hillary about the 3AM red phone call??? R U ready... i guess they think that the 18 Million Hillary voters don't think about these things