Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Bill Clinton rally

Kate and I just had a great afternoon at a Bill Clinton rally. We parked directly in front of the rally, and didn't wait in line, which was great! I got some great press, NBC,CBS, Boston Globe, the Boston Globe blog guy, yea! Plus Bill signed my painting of Hillary! He said "Great!" when he saw it! Kate and I are taking a short break at our new fave tavern, "Tally ho!", then wer'e off to a Bill Clinton rally in Easton, as well as checking out a Bill Clinton dinner fund-raiser that we will try to get near! Here's some pics I took!
I also must say the highschool band that played at the rally ROCKED! Jon Baer would have gone nuts for all their cool 60's style music!


Judy from Texas in Arizona said...

Oh, my, you got Bill's autograph AGAIN!!! So glad you are there. We are having a celebration party for Hillary Tuesday night at Elle. Will be thinking of you. Call me that night after the polls close if you can. On my cell. Then I can report to everyone what happened to you that day!

Paintress Gretchen said...

I will definitely call you! We are wishing you are here, and hoping to eat some funny cake in your honor!