Thursday, April 10, 2008

Time has come!

When I saw these three talking last night, I realized they were the women in the painting I did some years ago. Especially knowing that under Suzanne's wig she has blonde hair like in the painting. I just thought this weird. Sally is a dead ringer for the women in the foreground!
Even stranger, I just noticed Leigh's scarf...

This painting is about empowerment for women, seizing the moment and being right there in it... as if tomorrow may never come. This painting is a moment frozen in time. In this moment we realize our own mortality. We revel in the full realization of the beauty of who we are. We don't ask for more than that.

How's that for morning philosophy!


KCmustang said...

I love when i connect completely in a moment of blogging.... "We revel in the full realization of the beauty of who we are. We don't ask for more than that" as Bonnie Raitt sings on my PC...
"I will not be, someone other than who i am, I will fight to make my stand, cuz what is living if i can't live free, what is freedom if I can't be me."

Very cool picture....Envisionary Art.... amazing that you saw that moment when you saw it ....twice

Tour Wonk said...

Wish I'd been there....(sniffle)

love23 said...

This photo is the greatest with the painting in the background. Did the newspaper reporter call you today?

Paintress Gretchen said...

Nice lyrics from Bonnie Raitt! I met her once, but didn't know it at the time. We were both fixing our make-up in the bathroom of the Martha's Vineyard ferryboat. She said something to me I've never forgotten, though it wasn't quite as poetic... it was " God! This bathroom stinks!"

Flying Mermaid said...


Unknown said...

WOW! This makes me very happy. I love this painting and the story. Love that you saw this moment, way cool GB. Significant? Hummm.