Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Hammin' it from Helltown to Bedlam!


Judy from Texas in Arizona said...

So glad you made those Hillary clothes. Wow, you both look great! And Kate's wearing the Hillary Clinton Army Tee! You gals are having so much fun. Miss you!

KCmustang said...

I love these pictures. I have to ask G..what were you doin by the daffodills? in the second photo?

You look great in your Hillsuit the sun is bouncin off Hillary.
What a fantastic day!

endhomework said...

Nice clothes! Did Chelsea ask for a new suit?
I liked the Hill-Peeps idea, hope you have time to circle back.

Love the new(?) Army logo: Let Go--let Hillary.
Thanks for keeping us posted..keep up the important work, we'll keep the home fires they say

Paintress Gretchen said...

Let go, Let Hillary... that was Mo's slogan! Chelsea did like the suit, but I don't think it's really her style!

Anonymous said...

It's been great seeing the Hillary car around town and having your army camp out in Bedlam. I'm not a Hillary supporter but I loooove the car and it's great to have you here. Thanks for checking out our city!!!