Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Myth of the Pantsuit

The Pantsuit art show was truly a success and tons of Pantsuitin' fun!
I have a zillion wonderful photos to show you, but no time right now.
Today I am bringing my friends to Gay Head Cliffs beach before they have to leave the island.
It's a beautiful day, I can't wait!

Here's a couple photos from the party, there are so many fun photos to come!
Check back later!


love23 said...

The show looks great, who's the blonde in your old silver RITZY suit? Off to THE COVE in minutes. Wish I was there!

Tour Wonk said...

Can't wait to see all the photos!

Hurry the hell up, will ya??

Tour Wonk said...
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Charlene said...

Love Love Love this shot! And, I'm so happy your show was a success!

Paintress Gretchen said...

IN this photo, clock-wise is myself, Christine ( a new friend), Jamie, and Barth.