O.K., Black Pantsters, are your whistles ready?
Let's take a look at this video taken last night.
Most people are watching this video because of the tharted kiss, but not us.
This is simply more evidence of another day in which Hillary is wearing yet another BLACK PANTSUIT!
Check it out, and mark it down on your BP clipboard, Pantsters!
Travels With The Hillcar!
8 years ago
are we marking with X's or check marks?
Aww....poor Bill. It was one of those "love ya, don't change, kiss kiss (almost) things). Hillary...you need some color, and quickly! The color is drained out of the poor woman.
Good question , Wen. I think we should bring this topic up for discussion.
X's or checks? Black Pantsters, what will it be?
I vote for X's
but i am a Chicagoan and we are big on X's!
X's mean strike out here
"X" is ok with me
X it is! Way cooler!
Good question
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