Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Last Chance Texaco, Part 3


love23 said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE IT, tried making a comment just now and it wouldn't take it, I think I accidentally tapped the cap lock and the password kept getting rejected. MELMAC and beyond to infinity! Just wrote a letter to the editor that I think will really stir some feathers!

Paintress Gretchen said...

Interesting, what about?

love23 said...

Oh my take on the historical facts of the Bisbee Blues Festival and who's running the show now. I will be out of town if all bodes well, but wanted newcomers to know how it all got started. Pretty much completed my first MELMAC of this series last evening!

Judy from Texas in Arizona said...

Great to hear your voice and see you so often on here!