Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Unwise Child

The Blogstress Supreme herself, the gun-totin' Wendy Layton of the Hollywood Laytons, has unwisely decided to grow another year older. Like her father before her, ( a Hollywood stunt devil for Gunsmoke), Wendy has tossed aside all things practical and gone off to follow her dream as tour manager for Trina Hamlin.
Bright lights, big cities, broken-hearts, that's our Wendy.
Well, she's back in Bisbee for one night only and it's her Birthday, so I'm throwing her a party. If you can, come on over to my house tonight, if not, we'll provide a virtual party experience. See you there!
Happy Birthday Wendy!


Judy from Texas in Arizona said...

Wish we could be there but impossible. Please tell Wendy Happy Birthday for me!

Tour Wonk said...


I love you soooo much!!! Can't wait to give you a big ol' hug!!!!


Paintress Gretchen said...

Judy, we wish you could be here too! Very last minute party on my part! We'll miss you!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Wendy-o love Jackie-o