Monday, June 2, 2008

Anonymous day

Today I'm going "Sans Hillcar" and taking the Metro into DC. I'm going to check out the Smithsonian and stuff like that.
Tonight my nephew Christian is going to take me to "The Pirate Tavern", one of his local favorite spots for grog and pirates.
Apparently everyone dresses like pirates there. Arrgh!


Anonymous said...

Yeah, do the Smithsonian thing! Love and miss the Washington Mall (the only non-shopping mall in the States, methinks!).

If you're a beer freak - don't miss the Brickskeller in NW DC! Biggest selection of beers from around the world!

Enjoy your DC visit - one of my fave cities in the USA!

love23 said...

Off to swim my laps, and I also love love love Washington, DC. It's a great city, but I wouldn't want to liver near it!

Judy from Texas in Arizona said...

Be sure to visit Sen. Hillary's office and Cong. Gabby Giffords. If Gabby is there she would love to see you again. Since her hubby is in space for 14 days, she doesn't have to go to Houston! If you are back in Tucson by the 7th, we are giving her a surprise birthday party! Call me for the details!!!

Tour Wonk said...

Yargh! Ya Scurvy Wench! I be lovin' the pirates!

Chris Sand said...

Hi Soldier,

Kate just sent me a post card with this website address on it. Super cool!

Go Gretchen!!!! Power to the people.


Paintress Gretchen said...

Well, double-arrgh! The Pirate Tavern was closed! Christian and I ended up going to a cool movie theatre with big comfy chairs and BEER, and we watched "Midnight Cowboy". It was excellent!
Hello Sandman!