Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Here's the only photo I took tonight. Pretty cool, huh? Hillary's house is the 2nd one over.

It's a long story and I'll tell you sometime. Though it was the best of intentions by Hillary's family, things didn't work out as planned.
Though I was disappointed, I ask myself "WWHD"? By now we all know the answer, persevere, keep going, keep working and keep believing! Hillary CAN and WILL be our next president if we don't give up on her! It's up to us, and luckily "WE" are over half the country! Let's not ever forget our power!


Tour Wonk said...

wow... the hallowed Hill Grounds!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, you know what the best part of this whole political race has been? It's been the whole frig'n country getting involved and jazzed and creative in the hope for a new and better U.S.A. AND a better world!!! And I can not think of another human being who has put more heart and more art into the political party then YOU Ms. Gretchen!!!! You have been a light of pure hope and faith. I thank you, and am so blessed to be your friend. Thank you! XO Mo

Anonymous said...

You mean...gasp...Hillary lives there...sob...that's so cool!!!!

Big Papa said...


Paintress Gretchen said...

Hey, Big Papa and Anonymous ( not you Mo, thanks for your words). This isn't the blog you were looking for, the Haters blog is that way! I hope you find a good blog to vent your anger, this isn't it.
Thanks, Gretchen

Anonymous said...

Just joking but you are sensitive. No hate comin' from me.

Paintress Gretchen said...

Alright, I'll admit that. It's getting hard to see the forest for the trees right now. Since it was right next to the "stalker" comment, I guess I just lumped it all together. My apologies. G

skellington said...

i have been a follower of your flight and i have to say that altho i have been a huge admirer of the whole art + politics = way coolness (and i really do admire all you have done) i really don't understand the haters infiltrators rant you wrote about- when i read it, i immediately sifted thru all the comments looking for hurtful rants, name calling, badgering and evil hissing- and when i came across the single word......."stalker" i didn't quite feel the "hate mail "or the justification for the rant. i mean i know its your blog and all and you can say what you want but maybe all the miles you have crossed, the thousands of meet and greets, the amazing photo shoots, the rebel rousing and cheerleading has taken its toll and you are in dire need of a good long nap and some yummy cookies -(i highly recommend archway dutch cocoa chocolate with the sugar sprinkles on top)

love23 said...

skellington, I find the last four lines of your comment very condescending, and insensitive.

skellington said...

sorry you feel that way-

Paintress Gretchen said...

Skellington, I think you are right about that. There really aren't that many blog infiltrators on my blog.
I think I just got to the point where I need those archway cookies.
Even on the road, the positive comments about the car far out-way the negative.
I think I was just feeling tired and worn out by the time I wrote that blog. I was ready for a break.
Dutch cocoa cookie look out!