John West, Hillary supporter Extraordinarre, has been and continues to be one of the most influential of all of Hillary's volunteers. So many of us call John for advice, when we need a good pep talk, or we just need a good listener. John always has an up-beat positive view and I always find that his perspective to be well-informed and on-the-money. Volunteers such as John are what make Hillary's campaign such a joy to be a part of. Thanks John!
I could use someone like John to talk to right now!
How can the candidate with the most votes be given the boot?
Oh, I forgot. She's a woman. And the United States hates strong women.
How refreshing that a man like John is such a big supporter of hers.
Hey GB, So great to talk with you this morning, I hope I helped you in your decision for what comes next. It's another hot one in Bisbee, 85 degrees, but I know you will love it after that rainy northeast weather. I still think you will go down in history yourself for the most loving and dedicated Hillary supporter, as I told you very long ago, "Has anyone else made an art car dedicated to Hillary" no I knew then it was unique and it will continue to be unique, as we your close friends know the HILL CAR will ALWAYS be the HILL CAR. xoKATE
Solsamba , yes, John should be Hillary's hotline person! This has been an emotional roller-coaster, and the ride ain't over yet!
Kate, I have made a plan thanks to you. I'll post it!
Gretchen, I think my daughter, Vanessa and I met John in Austin, if he is John from Chicago. He is totally awesome! We didn't get a chance to say good-bye when we left Austin. If you are in contact, please tell him Marlene and Vanessa from Tucson, AZ (oringinally from the Windy City) send him a big THANK YOU!
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