Sunday, June 8, 2008

Scheming and dreaming with C.B.

Meet one of my dearest friends, Chris Brophy, the darling of the theatre on Martha's Vineyard and in Boston. Barely a week goes by without seeing Chris in either the Boston or Martha's Vineyard papers for whatever play d'-jour he is currently involved in. Chris is also a great Hillary supporter and part of the Hillary Clinton Army.

Today we sat on the beach and dreamed up some new ideas and new approaches on going forward in our mission to see Hillary as our next president. All our ideas are in their dream stages, so nothing to report yet. We begin this next part of our mission by thinking creatively. Seems we aren't the only ones, check out
Hire Heels
These people are on the move! There's no grass growing under this grass roots organization!


love23 said...

Way to go CR, you are even more handsome than I remembered! Love you, when are you coming back to Bisbee? xoKATE

love23 said...

You can tell I am going blind without reading glasses and the keyboard, CB< CB, CB the famous Scrabble player too!

Paintress Gretchen said...

That's alright. Right now I'm sitting in a dark car hoping I hit the right keys. Picking internet off the local library!