Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Screw this!

This is a job for HILLCAR!

I'm back on the job here in DC! Gotta shine up the car and get out there!
Don't forget to check this blog later tonight! We've got suprizes in store!


Tour Wonk said...

I love soooooprizez!!!

Anonymous said...

Whew...I had to catch up on eight days of missed bloging, great read. We got in last night at 7ish from Estados Unidos only to see Obama cross the what now? Hope you are good and I will see you on the 20th and of course here everyday. Love ya, Jess

Anonymous said...

Hey, I took a pic of you in Louisville KY! Keep up the good work, the car is awesome!!

Anonymous said...

At the website I write for we have both pro and con Hillary writers. However in both cases we are shocked by the bias against Hillary in the national media. Check out hte latest op ed piece.

Tour Wonk said...

WHERE IS 24 HOUR SANTA LAND???? Izzat the soooooprize?

Great to hear your voice today. I love you madly GB!

Anonymous said...

Oops, I meant we got into the Estados Unindos from brain is fried from 2 days of 10 hour bus rides. So where is the surprise? I know it's getting late there...I will check back later.

Paintress Gretchen said...

My surprise was completely FOILED! I thought for sure I had a treat in store, but NO! Hats off to the Rodham family for trying! Love, G