We begin by trespassing. Shhh!

Since is still early June, there is not a soul on the beach. Take your clothes off and stay a while!

Checking in both directions, no one has followed us. It's just me and my camera, which to me means "The Hillary Clinton Army" is on the scene!

There is no place on earth I would rather be, except maybe at Hillary's Presidential inauguration party!

But look more closely, it's so cool!

It's all clay! Red clay, gray clay, black clay, ochre clay, white clay!

Your not supposed to play in it, but I always do!

I usually get carried way and have the most fun ever! Even if I'm by myself!

But after a few hours of howling in the clay, I begin to wish I had someone to play with!

It's super fun here on Martha's Vineyard but I have to start thinking about leaving now!
I wish I could spend my life on adventures like these, maybe some day I'll figure out a way to do just that!
Well, I'm off to stalk the wild shoe laces of Zimbabwe! How's that for a start?
I voted Hilary Clinton, and only support Hilary Clinton, No matter what Hilary Does suspend her campaign concede her campaign. No matter what Hilary does she could even support Obama and campaign for Obama I will never Vote for Barack Obama, I do think America is ready for a black president, just not Barack Obama,,, The way The Democratic party handle this election with the Corporate Media propaganda the whole election, Turned this election upside down,, Obama could of ran over someone,, like Haley Berry, No one would care and still vote,, Obama..
There several million Voter right now like my self, will not ever vote for Barack Obama, Many like my self will be Voting for McCain, my reason is simple,, the Obama voter came on CNN & MSNBC and said if obama does not win the primary, Obama supporter will vote for McCain, Democratic party did not do anything to the obama camp to stop ,, why is obama party splitting the party in half, Now pelosi and many other are blaming Hilary and kept on with the propaganda Corporate Media, Obama Said on the new so many time,, does not Matter, if your Democrat or Republican,, you want the right person for the right Job,, He is so right,,when He said that we wanted Hilary,, Well Congrats to Obama his supporter got him to the primary,,,but He will never win the election,, for President, I will not stop with my blogging,, who is the best man for the job between Barack & McCain,, will vote for McCain he will be way better than Barack Obama, I can put up for McCain for 4 years and Hilary Can run again, Pelosi and the rest of the democrat party,, days are number at this point, For pushing Hilary out and ruining her Career, Even now During Clinton Exit speech,, Democratic party Told Hilary if she does not back there little puppet Barack Obama they will ruin her career,, In my opinion They all ready Ruined Hilary Clinton Career, Right Now I am going listen to one thing Barack Obama said, and that is, like I said, it does not matter if your Democrat or republican who is the right person for the job,,,, Hillary supporter need to stick together, Vote for McCain or just not vote for we need the right person,,, Hilary is up on stage right now saying what pelosi and the democratic party are telling her what to do,, or Economy is down and the way the propaganda Media is,, we are turning into a 3rd world country,, by rigging the election thru the media, Hilary Supporter who really want Hilary to be president Need to vote for McCain or just not Vote for Barack Obama, let McCain win,, there nothing more he can do as president, Congress will not let him it Congress who controls everything,, not the president, Pelosi and the a lot of the democratic party ruined Hilary Career, If all Hilary Voter, stick together, than We can restore Hilary Career and make her President, in 4 years. if you vote for Obama we have to wait maybe 8 years or 4 years and republican will be office, if Obama wins the presidency he will only be 4 year term,,, I say give all your supporter not to the democratic party, but to Hilary Clinton.. democratic party needs all of them need to leave office and get fresh people in there, who can unite the party not keep it separated and force unity, to who they want not who the voter want,, Hilary would of won this election, DNC screwed her with Florida and Michigan if those vote were counted at the beginning she would of won this race along time ago..and for the sexist Media, Like CNN & MSNBC… will continue to not report the new but Make it up as they see fit, All Hilary supporter need to unit together.. and stick together,, Margaret Thatcher was prime Minister 30 years ago,, but American Men and New Bias, is keeping woman down for personal gain, Like Keith Oberman, & Chris Mathews Who are the biggest Sexist on this MSNBC stations
First off Loki, notice how to spell H-I-L-L-A-R-Y, two freakin' L's!!!!
Any Hillary supporter who would vote for McCain is a phony. McCain is a war monger. The next president will also pick a Supreme Court Justice. Think! With McCain's Suppreme Court pick get ready to lose even more rights. Think!
Here's a quote from John McCain on Meet The Press June 15th 2005:
And on the transcendent issues, the most important issues of our day, I've been totally in agreement and support of President Bush.
I wish I had been at the beach with you...I'm all for nudity in the great outdoors. Oh, by the way, did I tell you that if you vote for Mr O, your lovely hand will NEVER touch the sorbert scooper again! Think about it...huh...
Well again you think your so smart but your really dumb,, First of all Bush is an idiot and because what he did with the war, There is no way they will let McCain do the same thing,, You should be smart than that,, And the Democrats control congress for the last 2 years,, but yet they sat back and still hardly did anything, Do you ever notice how Republican always put a supreme court justice in office even when there a democrat in the white house, Its called Political bargaining, Have you been in this country long,, You should know this, But if you really think Mccain going to keep troops there, you in sad shape,, they will be home with in two years one way or another,, Obama will turn the united states into a third world country, Again That is why you remain Anonymous,,just spreading your Ignorance,, want to talk about how there a L missing in hilary,, wow, and McCain is a war Monger ,, please,, Everyone on the news is say that and He probably is a war monger no argument there, but He will still be better than Obama who can not even keep his own people in the campaign in order, So many criminal on his staff, Rev Wright Racist, that at first he refused to denounce only later, Democratic committee made him denounce him , Rezko, slum lord that still making headlines, Micheal Obama who not even proud of her country, Jim Johnson, who was involved in the Country Wide Loan Scandal,, here is Barack Obama Talking to everyone in american how he going to work to make sure to keep everyone in there homes, because of the Break down of the Home loans, but he had Jim Johnson involved in it, Ya there is no doubt The only one who is stupid, is you ANONYMOUS, I voted Democrat all my life, who would be better for the job,, And I always said, if there would be a republican that was better than a democrat I will vote for them, Well that choice is here today,,, Between barack and McCain, McCain better hands down,,
If you want things to remain the same Vote For McCain, if you want things Worse, Vote for Barack Obama. This is so true not just with me but over Half of hillary Voter, Obama needs her Votes to win,,, tick tick tick Time is running out for McCain,, start watching the news more also,, they are reporting,, how Democrats Values are dropping compare to republicans,,, Because Barack can Run over a person with his car,,,or shoot someone people like you will still vote for him, Just like Coby Bryant, Or OJ simpson , There always a double standard,, or I like to say there personal Affirmative action,, puting un qualified people in office, or a position because of there, color of there skin or race, Dumb, nothing more than dumb,,, should be in that office because they are the best for the job,,
I Hope your at the polls, Barack needs all un-educated Votes he can get,,,
Not sure what all these other posts have to do with letting us in on your beauty secrets....its the clay...thanks for taking us along...it is beautiful ... that is one very cool trespassing place....great place of solitude... your creative mind just keeps going and going and going. Is that an old lighthouse in the background?
Hey Jesse, I wish you could have been at the beach with me, we could have scooped clay sorbet together!
How is it if I vote for O I don't have to do sorbet? Will I have transcended into heaven, or will I no longer have a job? Explain!
It's all politics...if you cast a vote for the Dems, I will scoop sorbet forever while you get back rubs and drink wine...sounds nice huh? See you soon!
It's the big payoff...
Hey KC, I'm glad you enjoyed the virtual beaching!
Emily, that's a good one!
Jesse, you mean I will never have to do sorbet again if I vote for Obama?
My heart is with Hillary, so unless she's VP it looks like scooper here I come for now! I'm just not ready to commit to any more than scooping and thinking right now! Things I do begrudgingly backfire!
I understand and admire your out look...see you soon, glad you are back safe.
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