Monday, June 2, 2008

Riding on the Metro

Here is the only pictue I took today.

I spent the day walking around Washington DC and riding on the Metro. Remember that Berlin song?
I didn't accomplish a thing. I had a 5 dollar palm reader by a "real gypsy", in hopes she would let me take her photo for the blog, but she gave me some line about what her Grandmother once told her.
I thought a lot about Hillary, and the current situation. I don't know about you, but I feel like I'm waiting for something to happen.
A DC native told me that he feels DC people have a 6th sense about these things, and that the wheel is still in spin.
I think the wheel is still in spin too.
I guess we will all just have to wait, hope, pray, and damn it... make phone calls to South Dakota!


Tour Wonk said...

i feel the same way... I don't know what to expect but it doesn't feel over yet.

Sending the best to you and Hill...

Anonymous said...

It is over for Hillary.

Anonymous said...

Just in... tonight Hillary will (finally)concede that Obama has the delegates to win the nomination.
Great News!!!!!!!

KCmustang said...

Even Obama blog posters stand for nothing. Name Less surprise.
The news will say first term senator...ha... i am from IL and never considered him a senator. He immediately went on a campaign for President. He has done nothing for IL. You are voting for a man behind a curtain. A man who stayed 20 years in a church and changed his mind three times before he resigned.

Anonymous said...

Sour grapes from the cult of personality gang.

love23 said...

Shut up you stupid anonymous! You think you are so clever, well you are just plain horribly negative. Cult of personality gang? what in the world are you on? I have kept quiet long enough, if your goal is to be extremely negative, then you have surpassed your goal.

Anonymous said...

This just in:
Barack Obama has clinched the Democratic Presidential nomination!!
I hope you Hillary fans will support Obama.

love23 said...

With idiots like you for him, I would certainly be scared to support him, which I am anyway! And this just in, I don't believe you are correct for one minute! You will be proved wrong by the end of the day, your statement is incorrect.

Anonymous said...

Love23 seems a strange name for someone so filled with hate. Obama has clinched - I'm realize you Hillary fans are disappointed but that's the way things worked out. Why on earth would you be "scared" to vote for Obama?????

KCmustang said...

anonymous.... you are not nice. that is "scary". kicking sand in the sandbox never makes friends it alienates you.

Paintress Gretchen said...

Dear anonymous, please exlpain to me how writing nasty comments on my blog will somehow turn all of us Hillary supporters into Obama supporters. I don't really get that.