I used to have the greatest studio in the world, called "El-Change-O!" Although it was ridiculously expensive, and loaded with landlord drama, Shawnee and I poured all our energy into it for two years. We put on tons of amazing music shows with top-name bands here. Along came a bad mold problem in the building, and away El-Change-O! went!
I would have been more down-heartened, but at this point I was all Hillary all of the time. I moved my H.C.A. base of operations out to my little shack in the desert, where the rent is free. No phone, no light, no motor car, this truly is a primitive shack. Great in the Arizona winter, but impossible in the summer. I haven't been out there since April, when the Hillcar odyssey began. It's incredibly hot out there, and I paint with oils. I'm afraid it must look like a Salvador Dali painting gone wrong!

So Here I sit, wondering... oh stu-stu-studio, where are you?

I guess I better quit procrastinating and start looking for you!
I really hope you think real hard before supporting Obama - even though Hillary "asks us too." That aside...
You are an awesome artist. I am really getting into looking at the art. I hope you keep the website going, filling it with art, until 2012 when we try to get Hillary elected Prez again :-)
Seriously, your art deserves to be seen and enjoyed. Keep it coming! I am so burned out by this damn election I'd rather look at/discuss art at this point! :-)
And so, anon, who is it you'd recommend? DO NOT TELL ME YOU'D VOTE FOR MCCAIN!
But Gretchen, I love that top painting. Shawnee tell you about my mold hell? Thought of you...
Hey, thanks for the kudos on the art, I will keep it coming for sure! ya, I'm pretty burnt out on talking about Hillary/Obama etc., really we just have to see what unfolds!
GB you are so amazingly talented love the paintings!! love you... hope things get better for you in the studio set up - search process.
"And so, anon, who is it you'd recommend? DO NOT TELL ME YOU'D VOTE FOR MCCAIN!"
The sad thing is that I don't really know. I still have some hope that Hillary can get the nomination but my hopes dim as she now supports Obama. I was hoping for a fight till the bitter end.
Back to looking at art :-)
Your art is amazing! We need for you to do more paintings and have a show here in Tucson. I admire your work.
We must vote Democratic in November to get out of the economic mess we are in now. If McCain gets elected, he will continue the Bush policies and our country will be bankrupt. We already have a trillion dollar debt to many countries just because Bush gave tax cuts to the wealthy - just over 1% of the US citizens.
GB, Love you!
I've been thinking about this idea that people have about voting for McCain now in order that Hillary would elected in 2012. This doesn't make any sense to me. Besides stating the obvious about John McCain,
wouldn't Obama be the one people would be yearning for? I mean he would be the "almost won" that people would be saying "oh, if only" about ?
I did not write this..., (I wish I had but,.... I am still hoping that Obama crashes and Hillary can prevail. I cannot vote for McCain, but truly do not see Obama as a better alternative. And BTW, I do not think anyone and I mean anyone, up to and including Hillary has the right to tell me how to vote.)...
a comment from a blog....http://riverdaughter.wordpress.com/
"So you support destroying the fourth amendment, privatizing social security, and giving giant telcom companies permanent immunity from lawsuits? And you also support continuing Bush’s policy of “faith-based” initiatives?
Oh, and just so we’re clear on this, our opposition to Barack Obama has exactly nothing to do with Hillary Clinton. It’s about Obama. He is completely unqualified for the job and he’s a corporate shill who will be a puppet of lobbyists from the nuclear, health care, big pharma industries as well as big investment banks.
If you support all that, you are no Democrat."
I agree the only way Hillary could be Pres is if Obama crashes of his own accord. I've given up waiting around for that one though. I got tired of watching the same sites for clues. It was too depressing! So onward we march!
I really love these two paintings, I have never seen either one. I especially am intrigued with the top one, as to how I could have missed that one? Where did you paint it? xoKATE
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