Friday, May 23, 2008

Blowin' away!

The winds of change are a-blowin' , and nobody's a-knowin' where this is a-goin'!

This photo was taken during my "Sunset Boulevard" obsessed days!

Here in Bisbee the wind is blowing at 50 miles per hour! Almost as fast as the Hillcar on the highway!
Which brings me to my next dilemma. My auto-shippers (A to Z Auto Shipping, who ROCK, by the way!), can't find an auto-carrier until NEXT Friday! My fantastic friends, George and Trisha, have been more than kind by storing the Hillcar in their garage in Louisiville. But poor Trisha's car had to be moved out of their garage to house the Hillcar, and I think the Hillcar may be taking advantage of their hospitality!
The Hillcar was last seen routing though George and Trisha's fridge, opening up their best champagne, and taking it back out to the garage with some cucumber slices for her eyes!
Hillcar, do I have to get back on that plane and drag you out of there by your bumper?
I'm thinking I do, but luckily the WHITE HOUSE is a mere 12 hours a way, and an important rally to seat Florida and Michigan is underway. So, what do you think, folks, do we hear the White House calling?


love23 said...

GB, love that photo! I hadn't seen this one, but certainly remember the Sunset Blvd obsessed days. I nearly got blown away driving to Douglas this AM to swim my laps! What the heck is happening and Bush says there's no Global Warming! We all certainly know that there is!

Paintress Gretchen said...

What a crazy day! And my phone just died to top it off!

love23 said...

Hey GB, That explains why you haven't answered my calls. Anyway, not to be a nay sayer, it might be pretty darn challenging driving around the Washington, DC area. Maybe you can get someone to drive for you? That's familiar.

And by the way, I am sure that my brother Brad, would let you have your car delivered to his house, in VA very close to Washington, DC. He might even drive you there? That part I don't know, but he's very into Hillary etc. xoKATE