Friday, May 16, 2008

Louisville Slugger

We are off to Louisville today to continue the fight! The horses here seem like they're not interested in voting anyway!

I'm out of horse photos, so here's a photo I found from USA TODAY.

I'm trying to decide what I should do today about getting home by Thursday for work. Maybe you can help.


love23 said...

Love the photo, are you going back to Boone, and then flying out from there?

Judy from Texas in Arizona said...

Kate and I want you back home. You've had enough fun for a lifetime! It's not easy though to stop. But it has to end sometime. See you in Bisbee!!

Paintress Gretchen said...

End, what, huh?

Anonymous said...

Nice photo! You're a national (and soon, international) celebrity, Gretchen! Cooool!

Hope to see you somewhere in Eastern KY today!

Anonymous said...

Yep...I'm taking Thursday off so I hope you will be back by then, plus I miss having you around...see you soon.

Anonymous said...

If you are up for it, we have a lot of rally lines up in May that your presence will be able to help.
The most important one is:
- May 31th, D.C., FL & MI "COUNT OUR VOTES" RALLY.