Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The new Hillcar video has arrived!

Thank you Teresa! This really lifts my spirits and gives me courage! You are wonderful!
Love, Gretchen


love23 said...

Teresa, Great new additional video, thanks for doing this for Gretchen. I know the next leg of the HILLCAR journey will be super fantastic, and I would really love to see HILL CAR make it onto the ferry and all the way to Martha's Vineyard, where Gretchen's roots lie, and we all need to go back to those roots, once in awhile to get recharged! xoKATE

Anonymous said...

To love23 - you're so welcome. 'Twas a pleasure to do this. Just too bad I can't be in DC as well! The next chapter in the adventures of the Hillcar thus unfolds!

Good luck to you, Gretchen! We're all thinking of ya! ;)